1. 板橋リバーサイドハーフマラソン大会 - 立川市トライアスロン協会
First 10 kilometers were easy and I could enjoy the river scenery. I had a watch with me measuring speed, time and distance. But during the race I was mostly ...
H25.12.01 板橋リバーサイドハーフマラソン☆ 参加者:スーシーズ橋本さん、西澤さん、吉本教授、さっちゃん、ピーター、ディアナ(報告)、ワンカ 応援:宮川 Dear all, This is the report about my first trial for a half marathon. Date: 2013- December - 1 Place: Itabashi Riverside Half-Marathon The race started at 10:00am. It was my first Half Marathon not only in Japan but also in my lifetime. We went to Itabashi Riverside Half-Marathon with the whole family. I wasn’t out to set any records, just to finish and enjoy it. I was curious of what I am capable of. My training hours weren’t very regular, but I did 2 longer runs (12kms) in the last month filled in by two – three shorter runs (6kms) per week. Last week before the race I didn’t train too much. I was just carefully listening to Peter’s and Yoshimoto sensei’s advices. Thank you! The weather and outside temperature on the race day were very comfortable. Also, the terrain was generally flat along the entire race. I started slowly. First 10 kilometers were easy and I could enjoy the river scenery. I had a watch with me measuring speed, time and distance. But during the race I was mostly looking at the distance value. Basically I was listening and responding to my body when it wanted to speed up or slow down. After 19.kms I was thinking it is nearly done. “It is just a 3kilometers to go”. These last 3 kms were the most difficult ones. I was tired, no more interested in the surrounding scenery and I couldn’t wait to see the blue arc and...
2. 解説!1日5分ビジネス英語 - WISDOM SQUARE
3. ヘンリー・ロイヤル・レガッタ 2023で見かけた時計 - HODINKEE
10 jul 2023 · このカラフルなブレザーとベゼルは、きわめてブリティッシュなヘンリー・オン・テムズの夏のワンシーンから生まれた。
4. BuzzFeed Archive for November 25, 2024
25 nov 2024 · Just So You Know, You're Gonna Love These 38 Beauty Products *A Lot*. Your only regret is going to be not buying these amazing products sooner.
BuzzFeed Archive for November 25, 2024
5. Bed Too Firm? Here's What You Can Do | Mattress Tips
Worried about having an overly firm mattress? We've got the best tips to fix harsh mattress firmness so you can get a better night's sleep. Read now!
Worried about having an overly firm mattress? We’ve got the best tips to fix harsh mattress firmness so you can get a better night’s sleep. Read now!
6. touhoudict
This will automatically run on the contest site and cache the dumb huge dictionary. Install script. As the translation coverage is still in the works, you might ...
For use with the Touhou Project Popularity Poll. Written by @drakeirving.
7. Outdoor Japan TRAVELER - Issue 49 - Autumn 2013 - Issuu
Others reacted similarly. ... The world will be watching Japan in the coming years, and there is hope this added scrutiny will be a good thing. I'm confident this ...
Enjoy the Autumn 2013 issue of Outdoor Japan Traveler magazine. Every season is a new adventure our autumn issue is filled with outdoor adventures and travelers tales. Get out there!
8. PIZZA-LA EXPRESS Tokyo Keibajo Ten
These comments are users' personal opinions and impressions so this is not an objective evaluation. Please use it only as one of the references.
Review list for PIZZA-LA EXPRESS Tokyo Keibajo Ten/PIZZA-LA EXPRESS (Fuchukeiba Seimommae/Italian、Pizza) . Japan's largest gourmet site "Tabelog" currently features 22 reviews from PIZZA-LA EXPRESS Tokyo Keibajo Ten/PIZZA-LA EXPRESS.